Returns and Exchanges

I gladly accept returned and Exchanges.

Just contact me within 14d days of delivery.
You can send them to our UK, US or Italy distribution centre.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with our product, you may return or exchange.

The returning shipping charges burden to the buyer and original shipping charges are non-refundable.
Refunds will be processed within approximately 1-2 business days after I receive the product in the same condition that has been sent:
- New and not worn or used❗️
-Please make sure you return it to same condition you purchased it❗️
- Please do not forget the shoulder belt and dust bag❗️

➡️ We highly recommend contacting us before sending the goods back. ⬅️

⚠️ Return product shouldn't be worn and the dust bag and shoulder belt should not be damaged or lost⚠️

⚠️ We regrettably won't be able to return them if we receive our product worn or with damaged or missing parts.⚠️

If you have any question please message me on Etsy or email us 📧 info [!at] 📧
I’ll be more than glad to help you.
